Austin Living seeks submissions

Published 10:17 am Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Want a chance to get yourself published?

Austin Living is seeking local literary and art submissions to print in the July/August issue.

We will accept submissions from artists/writers who live or work in Austin/Mower County and the surrounding area, along with people who have a direct tie to Austin (Austin natives/AHS grads now living out of state will be accepted).

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Artists will not be paid for publication, but the top submission — as chosen by the editor — will receive $50 in chamber bucks.

Please include name and contact information (phone number and email) with submissions.

Submissions deadline is May 22.

Send submissions to

What we’re accepting: We’re accepting … essentially anything that can be printed or represented in a magazine format. If you’re not sure, submit anyway.

•Visual pieces — must be submitted as print-ready .jpgs.

•Illustrations, photos, paintings, etc.

•We’ll also accept submissions of images of mixed media, sculptures, clay and other such pieces.

•Graphic novel (1-2 page previews/snippets)

Text — Must be submitted electrically. Either in an email or .doc

•Poems/song lyrics.

•Short fiction/nonfiction (500-1,500 words).

•We’d also take selected pieces from a larger book or work as long as they fit the guidelines (500-1,500 words).
