Blooming Prairie couple wins $13K on ‘Wheel of Fortune’

Published 10:22 am Friday, May 1, 2015

Mary and Pete Kittelson are going to Disneyland.

The Blooming Prairie couple appeared on the “Wheel of Fortune” Thursday night and answered several puzzles correctly to take second place and win $13,654, which included a trip to Disneyland in California.

“We were absolutely thrilled,” Mary said.

Mary and Pete Kittelson won more than $13,000 on “Wheel of Fortune.”

Mary and Pete Kittelson won more than $13,000 on “Wheel of Fortune.”

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Though the couple won a trip for two, they plan to make it into a family vacation.

“We’ve talked for a while about taking my son and daughter-in-law and the three little children to a Disney vacation, and now we can do that,” Mary said.

Although the couple finished in second place and did not move to the final puzzle, they were still happy about how it worked out. Mary said they weren’t always completely confident in their answers to the puzzles, but sometimes it was a game of speed and sometimes it was out of their hands.

“Sometimes if you just wait one split second too long, somebody else is buzzing in,” Mary said.

Although they wanted to win, she said they also didn’t want to wish the other contestants bad luck, and she and Pete had a wonderful time regardless.

“It’s just a game and it’s just a lot of fun,” Mary said. “And that’s how you go into it is just, whatever happens, happens.”

The couple also had a fun night Thursday watching the show at the Cue Company and Pizza Cellar with friends and family.

“The party last night was super fun,” Mary said Friday morning. “We had a wonderful time.”

Mary auditioned for the show about a year ago in June with friends Judy Esplan, Becky Noble and Carol Heimerman in Mille Lacs, Minnesota, where a “Wheel Mobile” was holding auditions. Four months later in September, she received an email asking her to go to a more vigorous round of auditions in St. Paul, and to bring her spouse if she wanted. After a few more rounds of auditions, the show featuring Mary and Pete was taped Jan. 15 at Sony Studios in Los Angeles.