Man with stolen pistols sentenced

Published 10:14 am Friday, December 18, 2015

A 21-year-old arrested Jan. 29, 2014, for carrying two reported stolen pistols was sentenced Thursday in Mower County Court.



Morgan Dwayne Pratt of Austin was charged with two felony charges of ineligible person possessing a pistol, two felony charges of theft and a misdemeanor charge for underage drinking and driving.

He pleaded not guilty to all charges Feb. 12, 2014. On June 5, 2014, he changed his plea to guilty for one count of ineligible person possessing a pistol. The other four charges were dropped.

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Pratt was sentenced Thursday to 60 months in prison, but after completing an 18-month inpatient treatment program prior to sentencing, the state and court agreed to 15 years of probation instead of prison. The 60 months will only be served if he does not follow the conditions set by the court. Pratt received 144 days jail credit for time served since his arrest, and he must serve and additional 30 days local jail as a condition of probation.

Police arrested Pratt and cited a 16-year-old for possession of drug paraphernalia on Jan. 29 while on patrol in southwest Austin at 3 a.m. According to the court complaint, an officer saw a car turn its lights off as the officer passed in his squad car. The second time the officer drove by, it appeared an occupant had been ducking to avoid view.

While officers approached the vehicle, Pratt and the other teen exited the vehicle, and Pratt said he wasn’t driving. An officer then discovered Pratt was allegedly carrying a .22-caliber pistol and later discovered a 9mm pistol in the car, along with drug paraphernalia. The pistol had previously been registered as stolen from an Adams residence, and the owner then discovered the 9mm had been stolen, as well. A preliminary breath test later revealed Pratt had a 0.07 blood-alcohol concentration, as well.