Get to know: Austin gymnast Rachel Quandt

Published 6:16 pm Sunday, January 17, 2016

Rachel Quandt is a senior gymnast for the Austin Packers.

Q: How did you originally get into your sport?

A:  My younger sister did a Gym and Swim class at the Y and I saw her practicing one day. I was jealous of all the cool things she could do. I told my mom I wanted to join and I’ve been in it ever since!

Rachel Quandt

Rachel Quandt

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Q: What is your favorite sports memory?

A: I have so many memories from over the years. In general, the best memories were always made on long bus trips or over night stays. I will always remember how much fun I have had sharing laughs with my teammates.

Q: What have you learned from playing sports?

A: I have learned a lot about confidence and believing in myself. Those two things have helped me overcome many obstacles both in Gymnastics and in life in general.

Q: What is the hardest part about your sport?

A: It is very demanding, both physically and mentally. It takes a lot of conditioning of the body and mind.

Q: Who is your biggest sports role model and why?

A:  I don’t have any one specific role model. I always look at other successful high school gymnasts and see what things they are doing to improve and how I can apply that to my own training.

Q: What is your favorite movie or TV show?

A: I am currently watching House, M.D. on Netflix.

Q: What is your favorite subject in school?

A: Anything related to life sciences.

Q: What is your dream job?

A: i think it would be cool to work in an E.R at a large hospital. Every day would be different.

Q: What is your favorite food?

A: All of the above!

Q: What are your plans after high school?

A: I am currently planning to attend the University of South Dakota to get a Bachelor of Science degree in dental hygiene.

Q: What’s a fun fact about you or hobby you enjoy most people don’t know about?

A: Although I’ve had many opportunities, I’ve never broken a bone.

Q: What are your top three pump songs before a big game?

A: ‘Wildest Dreams’ by Taylor Swift, ‘Get Ugly’ by Jason Derulo and ‘El Chapo’ by The Game and Skrillex.

Q: What are your top three guilty pleasure songs?

A: Anything Justin Bieber.