Straw poll to decide fate of courthouse dome

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, August 25, 1999

The fate of the Mower County courthouse dome is in the hands and minds of county residents.

Wednesday, August 25, 1999

The fate of the Mower County courthouse dome is in the hands and minds of county residents.

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The Mower County Historical Society is conducting a straw poll of county residents to learn their wishes about where the dome should go.

There are currently two general opinions among the MCHS membership:

-The dome should remain at the Mower County Historical Center on the fairgrounds; and

- The dome should be moved to another location, where it can be displayed for the public.

The MCHS is conducting its public opinion poll before making a decision and asking citizens to write MCHS Dome Poll in care of Post Office Box 804, Austin, MN 55912.

The opinions should be written on postcards or letters and it is preferred they be signed.

Citizens have until 5 p.m. Sept. 23 to respond to the MCHS invitation to give input on the dome’s future.

The dome was erected atop the original Mower County courthouse in 1884 and became the single-most recognizable part of the Austin cityscape.

When the courthouse was expanded and a major remodeling program undertaken, the dome was taken down and moved to the fairgrounds in southwest Austin.

Because of safety and other concerns, the Mower County Board of Commissioners has asked the MCHS to either enhance the dome’s exhibit and ensure it is displayed safely or to remove it to a landfill.

The county board is beginning a major program of renovating the fairgrounds, including a new multi-purpose building and, possibly, redesigning the rest of the fairgrounds, including the grandstands and historical center.

The dome can currently be seen behind the historical center railroad car and other exhibits.

When all the opinions are collected, they will be reviewed by MCHS board members and the results announced at a fall meeting of the membership.

Then, the MCHS board will take a vote on the future of the dome.