Riverland enrollment makes jump of close to 300 students

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, October 27, 1999

Enrollment at the 36 Minnesota State Colleges and Universities surged upward this fall, with two-year colleges and state universities reporting a 6.

Wednesday, October 27, 1999

Enrollment at the 36 Minnesota State Colleges and Universities surged upward this fall, with two-year colleges and state universities reporting a 6.6 percent increase over fall 1998.

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The gain of 9,023 students brings the number of students enrolled to 146,678.

"This is the largest enrollment increase since the system was formed," said Chancellor Morris J. Anderson. "Minnesota students and parents are recognizing that our colleges and universities offer a high-quality education that can help them succeed in life and in work."

Riverland Community College registered a fall enrollment of 2,551 students compared to 2,257 a year ago. That’s a 294 student increase or 13 percent .

Among the state’s colleges, the figures were 91,952 this year compared to a total enrollment of 85,930 a year ago. There are 6,022 more students enrolled this year or an increase of 7 percent.

State universities saw their enrollment increase from 51,725 to 54,726 or by 3,001 students. That represents a 5.8 percent increase in enrollment among the state universities.

The entire MNSCU system increased by 9,023 students from 137,655 to 146,678 or 6.6 percent.

The fall enrollment increase more than makes up for a 4.3 percent enrollment decrease in 1998. That drop, Anderson said, was caused, in part, by a shift from an academic calendar based on quarters to one based on semesters.