Youngest voters should hit the polls to be heard

Published 12:00 am Monday, November 1, 1999

There is a segment of the voting public who have not been played up to by the candidates or the media in Austin’s coming school board election.

Monday, November 01, 1999

There is a segment of the voting public who have not been played up to by the candidates or the media in Austin’s coming school board election. That segment is young and has a lot riding on this vote, if they only know it.

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This group is the 18- year-olds and those just a bit older currently attending and recently graduated from Austin High School. They more than any others have felt the impact of recent actions of the Austin Public School Board, from the implementation of the zero tolerance policy, to action taken to boost "high potential" students.

These younger voters can tell if these changes and actions have been effective in the public schools, if the board’s decisions have benefitted or curtailed their efforts to get an education and move on to college or a career.

This is also the segment least likely to get out and vote in Tuesday’s election, and that’s a mistake. Step forward, young women and men, and let your voice be heard. Have your years in the Austin school system been profitable, educational and safe? Is technology in the schools under-prioritized? Are high potential students under-challenged? Should there be random drug testing for participants in co-curricular activities? There are candidates ready to make choices for you – shouldn’t you make a choice of four candidates who can represent you well?