Man arrested after series of 911 calls
Published 12:00 am Monday, December 13, 1999
Thomas K.
Monday, December 13, 1999
Thomas K. Brazier, 36 of 1102 4th St. NW, was arrested after a bizarre incident that began early Sunday with 911 calls.
According to an Austin Police Department report, two officers were dispatched to a drive-up telephone at a Texaco convenience store and gas station along 21st Street NE near 1:04 a.m. Sunday.
Repeated 911 calls had been made from the pay phone and when officers arrived, a vehicle with a lone occupant was parked at the pay phone and a man was observed talking into the phone.
The man hung up the telephone and drove off when the two police cars were noticed. He drove north onto 21st Street NE and entered Interstate 90 going east.
The officers pursued and activated their lights and sirens, but the driver refused to stop and a chase ensued with Minnesota State Patrol officers joining Austin police in the pursuit.
The driver, later identified as Brazier, refused to stop, ran through one set of stop-sticks without his tires being deflated and continued eastbound.
A second set of stop sticks was used further down the freeway and they deflated a tire on the vehicle, which halted the driver.
Brazier faces charges of felony fleeing a police officer and a misdemeanor for having no Minnesota driver’s license in his possession, according to the police report.
The emergency 911 telephone system allows communications dispatchers to track where calls originate.
The purpose of Brazier’s calls was not included in the police report.
‘Bad’ counterfeit bill
There is counterfeit money and there is bad counterfeit money, and an Austin insurance agent received the latter.
According to an Austin Police Department report Edward Lee, an American Family Insurance agent was given a counterfeit $50 bill Dec. 10. The individual, who was not identified, presented the bill as payment for homeowner insurance.
When the customer left the office at 706 West Oakland Ave. and Lee examined the bill, he discovered there was printing on only one side and that the back of the bill was blank paper.
Lee contacted police and an investigation is underway.