Kiwanis Club, Mower House workers team up to paint

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, July 25, 2000

Mower House Color Graphics and the Austin Early Risers Kiwanis Club teamed up Saturday morning.

Tuesday, July 25, 2000

Mower House Color Graphics and the Austin Early Risers Kiwanis Club teamed up Saturday morning.

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The result: Marian Yezek’s house has a fresh coat of paint.

"It looks great," Yezek said. "It’s wonderful. I really appreciate what they’re doing."

The Austin business and service club made quick work of the painting project Saturday morning in part because Jon Boyer brought a Precision Signs truck and ladders with him.

But the combined crew scrambled to get the work done and had fun doing it.

Yezek baked chocolate-chip cookies and served hot coffee to the volunteers and the warm, dry weather made painting a house, garage and storage building easy work.

John Donahue, president of the Kiwanis Club and a Mower County executive, praised the turnout of volunteers from the business and the service club and their enthusiasm.

Mower House Color Graphics also donated the paint for Saturday’s project.

The Early Risers Club is the leader among service clubs and businesses in participating in the Mower County Chores Program, according to Nancy Donahue. The club’s members have painted nine different homes in the 11-year history of the program.

In all, 26 homes in Austin have been painted since the program started in 1989, according to Donahue.

Yezek has lived at 800 14th St. NE for 50 years.

"The last time the house was painted was about seven or eight years ago and it was a spray-on job that didn’t last long. It needed painting again and I’m happy the Chores program and the volunteers were able to do it," she said.

Her husband Leo died 15 years ago. She has a daughter, Darlene of Minneapolis, and two sons, Joe of Bismarck, N.D., and Glen of Austin. A third son, Loren, is deceased. She also has five grandchildren.

Anyone interested in applying for the Chores program’s good deed may contact Nancy Donahue at 433-8376 for more information about becoming eligible.