Lickteig property platting spurs debate at Planning Commission
Published 12:00 am Thursday, January 11, 2001
After an open hearing to review a preliminary plat to be known as Lickteig’s Second Addition, located southwest of the intersection of 16th Street SW and 22nd Avenue SW, was held, the issue was tabled until the Austin Planning Commission’s Feb.
Thursday, January 11, 2001
After an open hearing to review a preliminary plat to be known as Lickteig’s Second Addition, located southwest of the intersection of 16th Street SW and 22nd Avenue SW, was held, the issue was tabled until the Austin Planning Commission’s Feb. 13 meeting.
Several citizens raised concerns during the meeting about increased traffic in the area, including more garbage pick up, increased resident traffic and deliveries to the proposed development.
"One of the greatest concerns seemed to be for the safety of the children attending Southgate Elementary nearby," said commission member Sue Howard.
A portion of this property is expected to be used for the building of a 72-unit multi-family development, and this hearing is another step in the process to bring the development to Austin. Others citizens who spoke during the meeting were concerned about the transfer of the area from an R1 to an R2, raising the possibility that future building projects will be brought to the currently undeveloped land agricultural area to the east of the propsed development site.
Primrose, a developer from Aderdeen, South Dakota, intends to build 32 assisted living units and 40 senior independent living units on the property. The complex will be an improvement on developments they have already built in Mankato, Minnesota, Aberdeen, Mitchell and Rapid City, South Dakota, and Bismarck, North Dakota.
During the meeting, the final 2000 Austin Comprehensive Plan was presented to the Planning Commission at its Tuesday night meeting. Though the comprehensive plan has been complete for some time, changes in some wording and the land use map were made to finalize the original draft.
The board members, in deciding to table the Lickteig platting, said that they will look at the final comprehensive plan and obtain more information on the impact similar developments have made to areas where they have been built in the past.
Brian Johnson was reappointed to the position of chairman and Sue Grove was reappointed as vice-chairwoman.