Charging inmates an option

Published 12:00 am Friday, April 12, 2002

What a novel idea to consider charging jail inmates for their room and board, which Gov. Jesse Ventura left up to each Minnesota county to decide when he signed the bill Monday. But its contemplation also raises some flags.

People who break the law should pay their court fees, any associated fines and at least something toward their room and board. Why should taxpayers be punished for the poor decisions of a minority?

Though charging inmates for room and board is a good idea, the county commissioners should research it carefully. Such issues as who will be charged and how much need to be addressed in detail.

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The perception of charges being unfairly assessed could create big problems for the commissioners down the road. They also need to consider collection procedures. What if someone billed doesn’t pay? Who will be responsible for enforcement? Sure there are civil procedures to encourage payment of fines, etc., but people inclined to break the law may also choose to ditch the payments.

If the county decides to charge inmates, let’s hope they have the policies and the people in place to enforce it.