DAR donates books

Published 12:00 am Friday, September 20, 2002

Austin Daily Herald

The Red Cedar River chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution are helping Austin Public Schools' fifth grade instructors.

Polly Jelinek and Beverly Smith, retired teachers, visited Austin elementary schools to offer a mini-course in U.S. Constitution history.

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They also presented copies of a new book designed to both teach children and make them more curious about America and its history.

On Wednesday, Smith visited Sumner and Banfield Elementary Schools. She addressed Marilyn Anderson's fifth grade social studies class at Banfield Elementary School and a class taught by Pat Anderson and Bill Orcutt at Sumner Elementary School.

Polly Jelinek made similar presentations at Neveln and Southgate schools.

In all, both retired teachers addressed more than 200 fifth graders in Austin public schools.

According to the pair, the timing was significant. Sept. 17-23 is U.S. Constitution Week and the actual anniversary of when the document was signed originally in 1787.

Each school also received a copy of the new book by Vice-President Dick Cheney's wife, Lynne V. Cheney.