I#039;ve got my resolutions all set
Published 12:00 am Thursday, January 9, 2003
There are resolutions to make and resolutions to break.
Sometimes, they are the same.
Here are some resolutions I'm making for others:
(1) Austin City Council candidate Vaughn "Spud" Bothun: Mr. Bothun was a highly quotable candidate in the 2002 elections. His comments might have cost him the election. My resolution for him: I will count to 20 before speaking my mind.
(2) Former State Sen. Grace Schwab: Campaign aides advised her after the Nov. 5 election to take the high road and accept defeat so as not to hurt the Republican party. She chose to do otherwise. In the end, the Democrat won and won again in the recount and won again in the courts. Now Republicans don't have a viable candidate on the horizon -- including Schwab -- to beat Sparks in 2004. My resolution for her: I will never again wait for election officials to sing in court before doing the right thing.
(3) Austin Fire Chief Dan Wilson: It was only 20 or 15 years ago, when the fire chief got in trouble for driving a fire truck to haul a businessman's daughter and her husband to their wedding reception. Actually, it was only last June. Since that time, there have been meetings and more meetings, but nothing has been done. You'd better hurry, Austin City Council. I'm going to request the same service for my son and his bride-to-be this spring. My resolution for the Austin City Council: We will take care of this faster than you can say "embarrassing."
(4) Concerned citizen Malcolm McDonald: Nobody does a better job of scrutinizing the spending habits of the Mower County Board of Commissioners. My resolution for him: I won't give up.
(5) Former Mower County Attorney Patrick A. Oman: He and former Mower County Sheriff Wayne Goodnature could start a club: Long-time county officials who got upset by first-time challengers in elections. My resolution: We will never take anything for granted.
(6) Austin businessmen Charles Moline, Tom Sherman and James Cavanaugh: Remember the fuss over the letter to Austin Chamber of Commerce members?
My resolution for the three of them: Use plain, white paper next time.
(7) Mower County Commissioner Dick Lang: He won the election to the county board, in part, because he convinced voters his predecessor, Len Miller, spent too much of the taxpayers' money on per diem for attending meetings in St. Paul. With the huge budget deficit and cutbacks in state spending looming, it would seem prudent for local governments to have their case stated before the Legislature. My resolution for Mr. Lang: I will practice what I preached in the campaign, but won't say a word if another commissioner wants to go to St. Paul to fight for Mower County.
(8) Freedom Fest in the Heartland director Cindy Samuel: It's simple. No more festival name changes. It's long enough.
(9) Austin City Clerk Lucy Johnson and her assistant Cheryl Hays: Also pretty straight-forward. We will give clear instructions to all election judges that can't be misinterpreted.
(10) Yours Truly: Let's see … I irritated the devil out of the previous sheriff, accused the current sheriff of not handling the jail escape property when the former sheriff was missing in action, and then called the new Chief Deputy "Mary" instead of "Mark." It's obvious: Start reading the "Help wanted" ads.
Here's hoping 2003 allows everyone to be the best they can be!
Lee Bonorden can be contacted at 434-2232 or by e-mail at :mailto:lee.bonorden@austindailyherald.com