Pawlenty is leading by example

Published 12:00 am Friday, January 3, 2003

Talk is cheap.

It seems everyone has their ideas on how to reduce state government and spending to help solve a $4.56 billion deficit.

But do they really have the heart to cut programs or services, or reduce funding to needed entities -- all without raising taxes?

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At least Gov.-elect Tim Pawlenty is leading by example in trimming the fat from state government. Pawlenty recently appointed Lt. Gov. Carol Molnau as the head of the Minnesota Department of Transportation.

Pawlenty said "it's time for a lieutenant governor to get to work," alluding that lieutenant governor's post has been largely ceremonial and only there in case something happens to the governor.

The MnDOT commissioner's salary would normally be $108,000. Yes, it's a drop in the bucket when staring in the hole this state needs to dig itself out of. But we have to start somewhere.

The state's elected leaders need to be creative in how to patch up Minnesota's financial problems. Pawlenty's recent move shows that he's willing to do his part to help reduce the deficit without raising taxes -- a campaign pledge that Pawlenty said he intends not to break.

Whether that happens remains to be seen. But we're encouraged by Pawlenty's decision, especially since it occurred before he's taken office.

We're hoping to see more of the same ideas not only by him, but also from other legislators.