Weekend events include dinner and egg hunts

Published 12:00 am Friday, April 18, 2003

Saturday, there will be the Knights of Columbus Easter egg hunt for ages 1 to 10 from 11 a.m. to noon at North Dressner Park. For information, call 434-0317.

Sunday, Christ Episcopal Church will host a free Community Easter Dinner at 2 p.m. Those interested in attending are asked to call 433-3745 and leave the number of people that will be attending in their party.

Tonight will be the final performance for the Easter musical, "You Are The Christ." The performance is taking place at Faith Evangelical Free Church in Austin. Tickets are $3. For information, call 437-1000.

Email newsletter signup

Those who have considered attending an emergency assistance class have the chance to do so from 6 to 9:30 p.m. Monday at the Mower County chapter of the American Red Cross. For information, call 437-4589.

Got an event for Weekend Watch? E-mail it to us at newsroom@austindailyherald.com