Just leave me a voice message
Published 12:00 am Tuesday, July 29, 2003
"What did we ever do without cell phones?" my aunt asked, recently.
Her comment was more tongue-in-cheek than anything.
Really, everyone got along just find without them before. Why the need for them now? Why does everyone have to be accessible all the time?
I don't know. But I do know the thought of not having a cell phone seems impossible.
It didn't about a year and a half ago. While in college, I decided I didn't need one. If you couldn't reach me at home, you could find me at the newspaper office and if I wasn't there, well, I'm just not reachable.
Some friends would lament that they wished they had one. But why, I always wondered. You can check your voice mail from the phones on campus. Cell phones are expensive and kind of annoying. Unless you travel a lot, there's no need for them.
And unless, of course, you work at a newspaper, a job where you're out of the office more often than not.
So after graduation, I signed a contract for one and I was surprisingly excited when I got it.
That was little over a year ago. It's not often that I'm without it.
And, truthfully, I don't use it for do or die situations often. Mostly it's to check in with a friend. To let them know that, yes, I will be there at 7 p.m., exactly when I said I'd be there when I talked to you before I left.
Sometimes it's to say, 'OK I'll be a little late. You can expect me there in 10 minutes.'
You can imagine if I hadn't called. What would they have done in that 10 minutes they had waited for me? Worried themselves to death, I'm sure. Or fumed in anger at my tardiness.
At least by calling they know I'm late and that I'm truly, truly sorry for it.
So, yes, I use my phone frivolously.
And although some people are annoyed that cell phone etiquette has declined, I'm happy for it. I do think it's impolite to gab away for hours on your phone while sitting in a restaurant. But short calls? Not a big deal.
It's definitely OK to talk on it while shopping. Who's it bothering anyway? What would be the difference if my friends or mom or co-worker were there walking next to me?
I do shut my phone off when at the movies, a play, concert, school board meeting or any other time I don't want to interrupt anything, nor do I want to be interrupted.
I even shut it off during the 15-minute SPAM Museum movie this weekend when I took my younger brother there. See? I'm not a complete cell phone junkie.
The only time I really get away from that form of communication is when I'm out running or walking. Sometimes I return to my house finding messages on my home phone and cell phone, wondering why in the world they can't get ahold of me.
It's kind of funny how people have become accustomed to being able to reach anyone at any time.
I'm starting to think, maybe it is better to not be accessible at every single minute of the day.
Although I think cell phones are great, sometimes I want to be alone or enjoying the company of friends or family without interruption.
Especially without the interruption of that annoying little ring.
Cari Quam can be reached at 434-2235 or by e-mail at :cari.quam@austindailyherald.com