Letter: ‘Powerblock’ has personal agendas

Published 7:31 am Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Our current so called Austin School Board powerblock of Mr. Fox, Ms. Wangness and Mr. Rude is the biggest sham I have witnessed in any local public office. Fox, Wangness, and Rude clearly have no concern for anything other than their own personal agendas. I urge you to learn your job as a member of the board … none of you have shown any concern for putting the students first in my opinion. Your actions have driven from our community an outstanding educator/administrator, Candace Raskin

Furthermore, Mr. Rude’s recent actions in voting on certain district personnel issues are clearly vile, reprehensible and personally vindictive and was not in the best interest of the district’s children or the community he serves. He alone has selfishly prevented another distinguished educator and outstanding role model who was hired by the district from being approved. I certainly can not support him in any manner. I continue my call for his resignation from the board. The rest of the board knows full well that action needs to be taken to correct this. Character Counts!

I want to personally express my appreciation to board members Green, Kleis and Simonson for the fine job they do in this circus called a school board. Dick Lees, we need some good decisions from you during the rest of your term.

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Lastly, we need some solid citizens to step forward, run against and unseat Fox, Wangsness and Rude when their terms expire. The future of the district’s children is at stake.

Rob Bowe
