Letter: Repinski lays out qualifications
Published 3:56 pm Wednesday, July 23, 2008
This statement creates a window through which residents of Austin may view my qualifications for the position of member at large of the city council. Other information will be in the Herald through paid advertising.
1. My suggestions, evaluations, commentaries and attendance at many council meetings have been from a seat in the bleachers. I desire now to be on the playing field.
2. The decision-making process of city business needs ongoing sharing. I’m comfortable in that role.
3. Some may say “your having only lived here six years as a part of this community still puts you as a new kid on the block — you need deep roots…” No! A community needs “roots,” but also “wings” that bring experience from other communities.
4. My careers in “people work” qualify me to speak out, seek balance and negotiate with persons of diverse viewpoints. My assignments related to nursing homes, senior residences, cultural institutions and higher education inform my abilities.
5. Government spending is a huge issue. I have for years worked with organizations with limited resources. My philosophy: “Get the best bang for the buck!”
6. As a representative of the citizens of this city, I will continue my conversations with county commissioners. Important? Imperative. Yes! We are challenged to keep business and government downtown, backing the Chamber.
7. I offer a window through which interested persons may join my commitments. As of today, I am asking “Does the Robbins building have to crumble through the assault of a wrecking ball?”
Marvin Repinski