New driving laws take effect Aug. 1

Published 10:02 am Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Some youth are far more ready to drive than others, but even teens that are on the upper end of this continuum crash more than adults. Driving is hard and it is multitasking, at 15-16 years, like they have never seen before. Teens are approximately 7 percent of drivers but are involved in 14 percent of crashes; higher than any other group.

Beginning Aug. 1, driving will be prohibited, midnight to 5 a.m., for the first six months of licensure. There are exemptions: when driving with a licensed driver age 25 or older, to/from school if the school has not provided transportation, and for employment purposes. Teens are three times more likely to crash at night than during the day.

Also, effective Aug. 1, for the first six months of licensure only one passenger under the age 20 is allowed unless the parent or guardian are with, or the passenger under age 20 is a member of the driver’s immediate family.

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If your teen is licensed before Aug. 1, it will still apply to them if they haven‘t completed their first 6 months. If they received their license July 1 they will have five months remaining of the new restrictions after the law goes in to effect Aug. 1, getting credit for the month completed prior to the effective date.

Other restrictions:

Drivers and passengers under age 18 must wear a seat belt or be properly secured in a child restraint.

Drivers with a permit or provisional license can not use cell/wireless phones while driving, or be engaged with them, whether hand held or hands free. 911 permitted.

All drivers cannot read, compose, or send texts.

It is illegal for any one under 21 to consume any amount of alcohol and drive a vehicle and there is not exception or defense written in this law — not a drop.

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