Ducks Unlimited Banquet set for Wednesday

Published 10:02 pm Sunday, August 31, 2008

Let’s see …… 14 guns to be raffled, silent and live auctions, Piggy Blues BBQ and “Pick A Duck.”

Who could ask for anything more at the annual Mower County chapter of Ducks Unlimited banquet?

There’s also the opportunity to “Volunteer now, preserve tomorrow.” That’s the DU challenge.

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DU’s commitment to keeping habitat on the ground and waterfowl in the skies through conservation is well-known.

DU is the only waterfowl conservation organization work both in Minnesota and the nation.

It’s members work hard to protect the waterfowl hunting heritage.

Ron Meyer, chairman, and Josh Diaz, Bruce Quitmeyer, Mark Jurgenson and Bud Johnson are the Mower County chapter’s officers.

They say the 2008 annual banquet will be one of the best.

Doors open 5:30 p.m. Sept. 10 at Holiday Inn of Austin.

There will be free beer tasting until 6:30 p.m.

Ticket prices are $45 for individuals, $60 per couple and $15 for “greenwings” (youths).

Sponsors pay $275 for individuals and $285 per sponsor couple.

Early birds are automatically registered for to win $300 in raffle tickets.

Each member ticket includes a DU membership, beer tasting, dinner and the opportunity to participate in the silent and live auctions and raffle prize drawings.

According to chairman Meyer, Dave Thompson will be the live auction’s auctioneer Sept. 10.

“We’re trying something new this year for the fun of it and that’s the ‘Pick A Duck’ game,” Meyer said. “It’s just like the kids game at the carnival only we have decoys with luck numbers on the bottom of them. They’ll be floating in a water tank.”

Special guests will be representatives of Izaak Walton League of America Chapter No. 10, who will discuss the importance for the environment of passing the Nov. 4 Clean Water Legacy amendment.

“Most of all,” added Meyer, “it’s an opportunity to see what Ducks Unlimited is doing and learn how successful the Lake Geneva project has been.”

“The money we raise will help us support local projects as well as others,” Meyer said.

Meyer has brought a new energy to the organization since assuming the chairmanship role.

“We’re growing. We’re recruiting new members all the time, including greenwings. This allows us to do more for the outdoors,” he said.

“People who attend the banquet will enjoy good food, have good fun and help our conservation projects,” he said.

The early bird registration deadline is August 31.

To reserve tickets, call Piggy Blues at 507 4334-8485 or Meyer at (cell) 507 219 9564.

Tickets will also be available at the door Sept. 10.

For more information about DU go to