Comedian returns to Austin
Published 10:49 am Monday, January 26, 2009
Damien W. Green will perform his standup comedy routine “Out of My Idiot” at 7:30 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 7 at the Paramount Theatre, Austin.
Nathan Hall and Steve Rivas are the opening acts.
“We met at Goonies Comedy Club in Rochester while doing open mic nights,” Green said of the comedians sharing the Paramount Theatre stage with him Feb. 7. “Having performed a one-man show at the Paramount last year, I proposed that we do a stand up comedy show this year.”
“With the support of Scott Anderson, help from Diamond Ridge Printing we have a show,” he said. “Now — whether it’s funny or not — but at five dollars a ticket it’s cheaper than a movie, so what the heck.”
That should give audiences an indication of just how wacky Green’s comedy can be.
Green is a comedian, writer and “seed” artist.
He draws material from his own life, or at least what he imagines his life to be.
His sometimes irreverent comedy walks the fine line of cunning and madness.
“When I was 12 years old I wanted to be Jesus. Not just any Jesus, but a Super Jesus with a cape, super sandals and a Jesus-mobile,” he said. “See, I absolutely refuse to be kept alive past my usefulness like so many people are now days.
“We should really take a cue from racehorses,” he went on to say. “If you can’t run anymore they shoot you. Stop being a burden on society. That’s why I let my grandmother come over and mow my lawn once a week — gives her the feeling that she still has something offer.”
It’s that kind of zaniness that makes Green a popular act at comedy clubs, but there’s more to tickle the funny bone.
“As parents we over compensate for our own childhoods with our kids; we try to give things to our kids that we never had,” he said.
“That’s why I beat my kids at least once a week — because I never had that. My parents never paid that kind of attention to me. They hated me.”
He has performed at such places as Acme Comedy Club, Goonies Comedy Club, The Joke Joint, New York Comedy Club as well as an earlier appearance at the Paramount Theatre in Austin.
All tickets for the performance are $5.