4-H Project Day March 28

Published 10:43 am Friday, March 13, 2009

The Mower County Project Day will be held Saturday, March 28, at the Mower County Fairgrounds’ 4-H Building.

The Project Day will start at 8:30 a.m. and continue until noon.

According to the Mower County 4-H advisory board announcement, children and teens can learn about the following 4-H projects: flower arranging, foods, aerospace, fishing and shooting sports, photography, gardening, pets, shop project and robotics.

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There will also be a session on “Livestock on the Lawn” with the opportunity for the children to learn about llamas, cattle, rabbits, poultry, goats and sheep.

Cloverbud (K-3) activities will also be available.

Children are invited to stay for a free lunch and if interested, visit with Melissa Koch, county 4-H program coordinator, about 4-H and project registration.

Everyone is invited, including 4-H members and non-members.

Contact the Mower County 4-H program coordinator at 437-9439 or e-mail melissam@umn.edu.