Austin High School seeking logo designs

Published 7:15 am Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Austin High School is offering local residents a chance to shape the look of its sports teams.

AHS is accepting submissions for a new logo to represent all the school’s sports and activities. The school is accepting submissions from everyone in the community. The search began July 7 and will continue until 3 p.m. July 30. Each submission will be assigned a random number during the judging to prevent bias. The winning submission will be unveiled at a ceremony at AHS on Aug. 17.

Submissions can include any subject and can have any color scheme. The school teams will still be called the Packers and the uniforms will still be scarlet and white with black trim.

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Submissions cannot exceed 8.5 inches wide by 11 inches tall. Also, each submission must include a signed release form, an entry application and must be time stamped (if submitted electronically) or hand stamped (if submitted in hard copy).

Hard copy submissions be sent or delivered to the Principal’s office or the Superintendent’s office. Sketches and hand drawings will be accepted. Electronic submissions can be emailed to or