Easter play comes to Austin Friday
Published 11:39 am Friday, April 15, 2011
Easter often brings special events to churches, but at Faith Evangelical Free in Austin, it serves an important purpose.
From April 15 through 17, the church will hold its musical, “The Easter Song,” which is open to the public. Friday and Saturday shows are at 7 p.m. and the Sunday show is at 3 p.m.
According to Shawn Williams, who plays a disciple in the production, the musical serves an important role for the public. It teaches people the story of Jesus’ life through the perspective of the doubting Thomas, who wouldn’t believe Jesus’ resurrection until he had physical proof.
“This message is the hope of the world,” Williams said about the Easter story. “This is what people are searching for and don’t know it.”
The musical, which has been in planning since mid-January, contains chorals, interaction with the actors and the crowd and a comprehensive narrative of the last week of Jesus’ life. Although Faith Evangelical has had many plays and choirs before, it has never taken this angle at an Easter musical.
Judi Needham, executive administrator at the church, is deeply involved in the musical. She is the musical director, and she’s a cast member. She started choir practices with church members in January and started play practice in mid-February. She and many others have nearly 30 hours of rehearsal invested, and even more time in prop making and setup.
“Some people just think it’s this choir thing — it’s not,” she said.
The production comprises more than 70 members of Faith Evangelical Free’s congregation, with several more members handling efforts behind the scenes. And at some points, all 70 members will be on stage, too. Needham said performers range from toddlers to senior citizens. But because the cast already performed to the Wednesday night congregation, everybody is fully prepared. Accuracy is something Williams is counting on, so the public can walk away with a better understanding, which he hopes will inspire some people.
“They’re going to hear something they need to pay attention to — and act on,” he said.
Needham said whether people believe shouldn’t dissuade them from attending the event, either.
“We just want people to know the story,” she said. “Whether you’re a believer, it’s just a great historical.”
No matter what side of the fence visitors are on, they can serve another purpose, too. Tickets to the event are $3, but proceeds will help send more than 20 high school seniors and other church members to Jamaica for a missionary trip.
Tickets to the event can be purchased at the door. Needham said there are 344 seats, and a few tickets are left for Friday and Saturday; many are still available for Sunday.