A plan to sustain

Published 4:42 pm Saturday, July 9, 2011

One city’s efforts might not be the answer, but they can definitely make a difference when it comes to planning for a sustainable environment.

Led by the Austin Coalition for Environmental Sustainability, the city may before long have a local group dedicated to identify ways that the city can reduce fuel use and protect the environment by adopting sound practices in public transportation, local food production and building construction.

Adopting sustainable strategies is a long-term effort, one that isn’t likely to quickly bear fruit. But the sooner the effort begins, the sooner results will become apparent. We hope plans for the sustainability task force advance at the next city council meeting.

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New Vintage?

Joe Maurer took his first major league turn at first base late last week and he looked like he’s been doing it forever, fielding tough throws and grounders, and then going 3-for-5 at the plate. If he hadn’t spent his whole Twins career, until now, playing catcher, it would have been vintage Maurer. For Twins fans who worried that the star catcher might not return to form after injury, the new vintage — stellar first-base play and resumed dominance at the plate — are reassurance that Minnesota’s home-grown star is likely to shine for years to come.