Remembering 50 years later
Published 7:00 pm Saturday, October 1, 2011
“New ideas do not come from the mainstream; they come from the “radical” edge of society that challenge mainstream thinking.” — Michael D. McCarty
It’s not easy to come back from a reunion, especially a 50-year reunion.
And it’s not easy when Mello is sitting beside you pawing at your arm to go outside for a dog search. Most of the time the dogs aren’t there and they’re never that excited to see Miss Mello. However, at least while she is out there, she is rarely barking as opposed to looking out the front room window and barking.
Cousin Ed and I went to opening night at the Holiday Inn after first riding my bike out when told by someone in the office there was a place for bikes “he thought.”
There wasn’t a bike rack.
It took some time to identify folks from years past and then there were the stories. There were words from the corps group that again put things together, sharing their stories.
At the reunion I spent some time with a friend trying to persuade her to get Natalie Goldberg’s Writing Down the Bones. Tuesday she sent an email saying she had ordered the book and she would give to her niece if it didn’t work for her.
Of course I think everybody should purchase a copy that offers freeing of the writer within.
We closed the reunion Saturday night at the Country Club where the numbers were almost as great. Sue Hastings gave a splendid reading that included photo’s of classmates over the years.
It was nice to have a few Pacelli folks there.
At the Country Club we were awarded photos of what we looked like in 1961, and not too many matched up.
When it was all over I had the worst cold I’ve ever had in my life and took a sick-day from work and spent a portion of the day getting treated at that hospital where there is endless racket from the monster machines next to the road.
I was told it would take two years to complete it.