Appreciated all who helped with Christmas in City

Published 9:51 am Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Letter to the Editor

Last Friday, Nov. 25, I enjoyed the wonderful kickoff of Christmas in the City.

The downtown of Austin was filled with families and friends having treats provided by the local merchants and a long line of kids anxious to visit Santa. The Austinaires were as usual in fine tune adding to the festivities with carols from store to store.

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As I thought about this event, I began to wonder, “Who is the one responsible for coordinating this whole thing? Who provides the funding to make sure it comes off with class?”

Well, I did know the answer to both questions and also the event in July, Freedomfest. It is the Chamber of Commerce and many local businesses that are part of the Chamber. If not for the Chamber, events like Freedomfest and Christmas in the City might not happen.

Sandy Forstner, the executive director, Jeff Baldus, Val Schewe, and countless volunteers of the Chamber work tirelessly to make sure these events are great fun and memorable for the entire community.

Further, many of the local businesses that contribute should not be forgotten either. For it is these stores that are in fact the first stops we make to ask for cash and donations to support our favorite charities and organizations. They contribute every year large sums to make sure it is a little easier for many of these things to exist or happen.

It’s true we are one community supporting one another. During this season of giving, I think it is important to support and shop locally. Spend your money with the same people you ask to donate to your cause, whatever that may be. Let’s all give some back before we decide to go out of town to shop. Then if we are walking by the Chamber office it wouldn’t hurt to thank the gang for all of their hard work and efforts.

Remember — buy Mower, grow Mower.

Merry Christmas and happy holidays.

Chuck Moline,

Corporate Financial Services, Austin