Mankato news anchor arrested for DWI
Published 1:38 pm Thursday, December 22, 2011
A KEYC anchor who made David Letterman’s Top 10 List after many speculated she could have been drunk during a newscast has been arrested for driving while intoxicated.
An anonymous caller contacted the North Mankato Police Department Wednesday morning to report an intoxicated person was leaving a Roe Crest Drive residence in a vehicle. A report describing the vehicle was put out to law enforcement officers in the area and the car was stopped by a Nicollet County Sheriff’s deputy on Highway 14.
Annie Stensrud, 28, was arrested for allegedly driving while intoxicated. She was taken to the Nicollet County Jail and later released, Nicollet County Sheriff Dave Lange said.
A video of Stensrud went viral on YouTube after she mumbled through the her Dec. 4 evening broadcast. People speculated she was intoxicated because her eyes were blurry and her words were slurred and mixed up.
David Letterman used the video to introduce a top 10 list titled “Top 10 signs your local news team is drunk.”
Station officials later said she was having a bad reaction to medication.