AHS student rep program to get the nod

Published 5:50 pm Saturday, March 10, 2012

Austin High School students could represent their district if they chose to answer the Austin Public School board’s call.

The board will approve a new student representative program at its monthly public meeting at 6:30 p.m. Monday at City Council Chambers. Two high school juniors or seniors during the 2012-2013 year will represent student voices at board meetings, which board members hope will add to the district’s discussions. The board considered the program’s merits during its January study session.

Student representatives will be chosen based on their qualities, which includes being responsible, having leadership potential, being well-respected by their peers, showing confidence and demonstrating good communication. In addition, students must be willing to complete a two-year term over their junior and senior year, attend monthly school board meetings except in summer months, and become familiar with the board’s meeting agenda each month.

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—The board will also approve an amended 2011-2012 budget and hear updates on the new fifth- and sixth-grade school and Woodson Kindergarten Center expansion projects.

—Neveln Elementary Principal Dewey Schara and Dan Hernandez of Hormel Foods will present an overview of a nutrition study done with Neveln first-graders to board members, who will also hear about Ellis Middle School’s strategic plan progress.

—The board will also discuss first readings of updated policies on health and safety, energy usage, and naming school buildings and facilities.