Be diligent, keep paths clear for mail carriers
Published 10:19 am Wednesday, November 14, 2012
As members of the safety committee at the Austin Post Office, we would like to call upon all residents to be diligent this winter with snow and ice clean up.
We ask that after a winter precipitation event you clear away any snow or ice build-up around your mail box access by your house or along the curb. Keeping a clear path helps us reduce injuries. Snow on walkways and steps can hide glare ice and other debris. Even a dusting of snow can obscure icy patches.
When you remove snow and ice in a timely manner, not only are you helping your letter carrier, but all delivery personnel such as paper carriers, parcel carriers and utility meter readers.
We at the post office appreciate everyone who kept their steps or curb line clear of snow and ice in years past. We witnessed many neighbors helping elderly or housebound neighbors, too.
Please continue those efforts as we head into another unpredictable winter. Thank you for helping us with our goal to have an injury-free season.
Vicki Carlson, Richard Schatek, Sue Rahim and Gary Brolsma
Austin Post Office Safety Committee