Respect religions

Published 1:27 pm Wednesday, January 23, 2013

A short version of the 1954 pledge: We pledge allegiance to a flag of a divided nation under a god.

There are 72 religious denominations in and around Mower County, each with its own god and label. Each with a possible breakaway group. Each with the possibility of bearing false witness against their neighbors’ religious beliefs.

Bickering about whose god is best is a senseless conflict that only leads to religious segregation. All of this bickering makes a mockery out of the real meaning of religion.

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1. A particular system of beliefs built around moral ideals, a philosophy of life.

2. A state of mind expressing love for their way of life, liberty and pursuit of happiness and trust in themselves and their fellow man.

3. A belief in oneself, knowing truth from lies, right from wrong.

Gene Seavey,