Letter: Issue of mental illness must not be hushed
Published 10:35 am Wednesday, May 8, 2013
May is Mental Health Awareness Month. “Let’s talk about it.”
We talk about our blood pressure, our thyroids, hip replacements, etc. We talk about the doctors who treat us. We give advice to friends and family as to the quality of care or lack thereof from our attending physicians, surgeons and physical therapists.
So why, then, are mental health issues hushed? “Let’s talk about it.” One in four families is affected by a mental illness, and yet we so often dismiss the conversations when a family member or friend is seeking someone to express concerns to, possibly needing guidance to find treatment. We would all benefit if we talked about mental health with the same concern, conviction, empathy, compassion and helpfulness as we do other diseases and medical issues our children and other family members are experiencing.
The nation has pushed mental health to the forefront these past months. Having a mental illness can be debilitating if left untreated. It may affect a child or a teenager, or be present later in life. It may affect a person’s ability to make healthy decisions or care for themselves without support. It’s time to talk about it openly so that our friends and family can feel free to contact resources that guide them to a diagnosis and appropriate treatment for a family member who is suffering symptoms they may not understand.
“Let’s talk about it,” so people are moved to seek support openly without fear of being judged. “Let’s talk about it,” so our friends and family do not feel they have to suffer silently behind closed doors. “Let’s talk about it,” so those who need treatment aren’t delayed in seeking the resources needed to effectively treat a family member in a timely manner. It can take time to schedule appointments and find the most effective treatment for the symptoms. “Let’s talk about it” and erase the stigma.
Consider this: We, as a nation, have accepted the famous role models who have suffered from a mental illness. For example: Abraham Lincoln, Ernest Hemingway, Michelangelo, Vivien Leigh, Charles Dickens, Buzz Aldrin, Ludwig Van Beethoven, Terry Bradshaw, Dick Clark, Catherine Zeta-Jones and even Princess Diana, just to name a few. As we approach Mental Health Awareness Month, let’s talk about those we know who may be suffering. We have families in our midst who may be confused and fearful with what they consider the unknown.
“Let’s talk about it,” and keep on talking and promoting education towards a better understanding of mental health symptoms, treatment and recovery. Let’s work together towards our mental health services in creating an easily accessible and expedient pathway to finding and receiving a treatment.
Sincerely, Mary Johnston Director of program management for Rule 36 Limited Partnerships of Duluth Kingsley House and Austin Manor