Letter: Marriage should be about children
Published 8:11 am Thursday, May 9, 2013
Letter to the Editor
I have some questions for the author of the April 19 letter titled, “We must re-educate our hearts on marriage.”
1. When you said, “Having read multiple opinion columns and letters to the editor in the past year condemning the intrinsic nature of citizens,” do you imply that homosexuals are born that way? To the best of my knowledge, there is no DNA research to support that claim. If there is, let me know.
2. You speak of a “right to relationships,” but isn’t the primary duty of the state to protect children? When an 11-year-old stood in front of the Minnesota legislative committee on House Civil Law this year and asked the question, “Which parent do I not need, my mother or my father?” She had to ask them twice; and still got no answer. That same day, she was attacked by the social media, labeled a bigot. Later attacked with foul language, death wishes, and calls for the Child Protection Services to take her away from her parents. Tolerance?
Last summer, Mark Regnerus of the University of Texas at Austin overturned the conventional academic wisdom that children raised by homosexual parents suffer no disadvantages when compared to children raised by their married mother and father. Compared with children raised by their married biological parents, children of homosexual parents suffer more negative impacts — see list in the study.
And so I plead with the author and those of like mind, to please show some compassion for the children. The fate of our country rests on how we treat our children.
Phil Drietz,
Delhi, Minn.