Study finds chemicals, drugs common in Minn. lakes
Published 10:41 am Monday, May 13, 2013
ST. PAUL, Minn. — A new study finds that chemicals from household products, prescriptions and illegal drugs are common in Minnesota lakes.
MPCA scientists chose 50 lakes at random and tested the water for 125 chemicals.
The common insect repellent DEET was found in 76 percent of lakes. BPA, a chemical used in plastics, showed up in more than 40 percent of the lakes sampled. The anti-depressant amitriptyline was in nearly 30 percent of the samples. And the illegal drug cocaine showed up in one third of the lakes sampled.
Minnesota Public Radio reports this was the largest in a series of lake studies done in Minnesota.
All of these chemicals are found at very low levels. But MPCA researcher Mark Ferrey says even very low levels can affect fish and other life.