Act’s differences were a positive at concert; Cloud Cult set list

Published 3:36 pm Friday, August 30, 2013

Organizers of the concert featuring Cloud Cult and Martin Zellar and the Hardways at Marcusen Park on Saturday, Aug. 24, made a good decision by pairing acts with different styles.

The concert paired two uniquely different bands — something most big-city concert promoters likely wouldn’t dare do — and it helped the concert appeal to a broad range of people.

I have to admit I was a bit surprised when I heard the announcement that the two bands would highlight the concert during the Austin ArtWorks Festival and Pacelli High School’s 100th anniversary celebration.

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It’s not that the two groups aren’t well-known and skilled acts. It’s that — for the most part — the two groups appeal to different fan bases. In an interview, Zellar, 50, said most of his fans are in their 40s and 50s, and that they have children, obligations and need to plan ahead to go to a concert. Cloud Cult appeals to a younger fan base, which was evident by the many 20-somethings packed near the stage Saturday.

Promoters typically pair acts that appeal to the same fan base, so those people have fewer doubts about attending the show.

In part thanks to the Austin ties of both acts, the concert was able to attract fans of both groups.

Despite the differences between Zellar’s blend of country and rock and Cloud Cult’s orchestral, more indie-based sound, the two acts proved a perfect pairing, as the differences offered something for everyone. Even if fans came strictly for one act, the other was one most fans could appreciate.

That was made evident by Cloud Cult’s frontman Craig Minowa, who said he and the band’s painter Scott West attended a concert of Zellar and the Gear Daddies when the two were in college.

By going with Austin ties over genre, ArtWorks was able to present a dynamic concert that attracted a variety of music fans, while showcasing Austin talent.

Cloud Cult set list
1. All the Things We Couldn’t See
2. Running With the Wolves
3. Pretty Voice
4. Complicated Creation
5. We Made Up Your Mind
6. When Water Comes to Life
7. No One Said It Would Be Easy
8. You Were Born
9. Meet Me Where You’re Going
10. Chemicals Collide
11. Everybody Here is a Cloud
12. Blessings
13. Love You All
14. Love and the First Law of Thermodynamics
15 Good Friend
17. There’s So Much Energy in Us

1. Journey of the Featherless (Craig Minowa solo)
2. You’ll Be Bright