Meet the Athlete: Matt Kasel, Lyle-Pacelli

Published 6:35 pm Monday, August 26, 2013

Matt Kasel is a senior football player for Lyle-Pacelli.

The Athletics will open their season in Grand Meadow Friday at 7 p.m.

Q: How did you originally get into your sport?

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A: When I was in elementary school if you were a guy it was like an unwritten rule that you had to play football at recess and from there it developed into an obsession.

Matt Kasel, Lyle-Pacelli. -- Rocky Hulne/

Matt Kasel, Lyle-Pacelli. — Rocky Hulne/

Q: What’s your favorite sports memory?

A: Beating Lansboro on homecoming 2012. It was the biggest upset of the year in our conference

Q: What have you learned from playing sports?

A: I’ve learned that you’re going to go through all kinds of adversity in life that you can’t just run away from and the ones who are tough and find a way to fight through it, will be successful.

Q: What is the hardest part about your sport?

A: Finding a way to bring energy and emotion to practice every single day can be tough especially when school starts.

Q: Who is your biggest sports role model and why?

A: I’ve looked up to a lot of guys, Cody Kirkpatrick, Jake Chapek, and Brady Steir really stick out because of the way they conducted themselves on and off the field as well as being some of the hardest working guys I’ve ever seen.

Q: What is your favorite movie or TV show?

Friday Night Lights

Q: What is your favorite subject in school?

A: History

Q: What is your dream job?

A: Architect or engineer but I’d also love to coach some day

Q: What is your favorite food?

A: Corkys pizza at the Shell gas station in Adams!