Meet the Athlete: Blooming Prairie football player Dylan Heuer

Published 6:38 pm Monday, September 9, 2013

Blooming Prairie football player Dylan Heuer. -- Rocky Hulne/

Blooming Prairie football player Dylan Heuer. — Rocky Hulne/

Q: How did you originally get into your sport?

A: I started in third grade and got into it. The passion for the sport just grew on me.

Q: What’s your favorite sports memory?

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A: Playing in the dome in my 6th and 10th grade years.

Q: What have you learned from playing sports?

A: Leadership and responsibility.

Q: What is the hardest part about your sport?

A: Being mentally tough and not to take any more plays off.

Q: Who is your biggest sports role model and why?

A: I would probably have to say Reggie White, he played for the Green Bay Packers before he passed away, he was a great player but was a great person off of the field. He was very religious and spiritual and never gave up.

Q: What is your favorite movie or TV show?

A: Varsity Blues

Q: What is your favorite subject in school?

A: Welding

Q: What is your dream job?

A: To own my own manufacturing shop.

Q: What is your favorite food?

A: Pheasant wrapped in bacon