Our Opinion: Congrats to Lyle Area Cancer on a great year

Published 9:20 am Wednesday, January 21, 2015

The crowd at the Lyle Area Cancer Auction give a standing ovation Friday night after a big donation was announced. Not long after, the auction hit the $2 million mark.  Eric Johnson/photodesk@austindailyherald.com

The crowd at the Lyle Area Cancer Auction give a standing ovation Friday night after a big donation was announced. Not long after, the auction hit the $2 million mark. Eric Johnson/photodesk@austindailyherald.com

It looks like a little congratulations are due.

The Lyle Area Cancer Auction has been a staple of area fundraising for many years. Yet just a few days ago, the LAC broke numerous donation records over a two-day period.

The auction broke the $2 million overall donation in 2015 during the 36th Lyle Area Cancer Auction. In addition, this year’s LAC events raised a record $215,000, which beat the $200,000 record in 2013.

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The auction was only a piece of the pie, as several other LAC events broke records too, including: Farmboy Barbecue, the auction kitchen, Quilting for a Cure broke a record, Spinning for a Cure and Thrivent Financial’s events — Oktoberfest and Red, White & Pink. LAC officials expected the auction and cash donations to be close to records too, though totals aren’t yet available.

This is a remarkable achievement in an area rife with fundraisers. The Mower County area is incredibly, abnormally generous when it comes to volunteerism and fundraising efforts. In a place with a fundraiser practically every week, the LAC has consistently garnered support for a great cause: supporting the people who research a cure for cancer.

It’s an important mission and one Lyle should be proud to contribute to all this time. We congratulate the LAC and all its volunteers, and wish them continued success in the future.