Historical society director Korean War at senior center

Published 4:52 pm Saturday, February 21, 2015

John Haymond is coming back to the Mower County Senior Center.

If you missed Haymond’s presentation on the Dakota War trials, it was great. Here is another chance to brush up on your history with Haymond, the executive director of the Mower County Historical Society.

This month’s presentation, at 2 p.m. Wednesday, is on the history of the Korean War, comparing how it is depicted in American, Chinese and North Korean sources, and discussing the countering views that result from this. Unlike World War II and Vietnam, the Korean War did not get much media attention in the United States. The most famous representation of the war in popular culture is the television series “M*A*S*H,” which was set in a field hospital in South Korea. It’s final episode was the most-watched in television history.

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John will also talk about some of the myths and misconceptions that have persisted in the history of the war. John has a slide show to accompany the presentation.

Please RSVP with your preferences by stopping by the senior center or calling 433-2370 for the front desk.

We look forward to seeing you at our many programs at the senior center. Don’t forget our coffee shop where every day you can have homemade soup for $1 and a sandwich for 50 cents.

On Tuesday, we are serving shepherd’s psie for only $2. You are always welcome at the center.


Upcoming Events

Monday: Blood Pressure Checks 9 a.m.; cards 12:30 p.m. (pinochle, duplicate bridge

Exercise w/Evie’s Friends, 1 p.m.

Tuesday: Silver Sneakers, 8:30 a.m.; exercise w/Evie’s friends, 9 a.m.; Shepherd’s Pie, 11:30 a.m.; cards 12:30 p.m. (pinochle, duplicate bridge); HIIT, 5:10 p.m.;

Zumba /Zumba Toning, 5:45 p.m.; Zumba /Zumba Toning, 7 p.m.;

Wednesday: Wood Carver,s 8:30 a.m.; Weight Watchers 12:15 p.m.; cards, 12:30 p.m. (duplicate bridge, pinochle, cribbage); Stitching Bees, 1 p.m.; open chess, 1 p.m.; Historical Society History of the Korean war, 2 p.m.; Weight Watchers, 5:30 p.m.

Thursday: Silver Sneakers 8:30 a.m.; exercise w/Evies Friends 9 a.m.; cards 12:30 p.m. (pinochle); open chess, 1 p.m.; HIIT 5:10 p.m.; Zumba /Zumba Toning 5:45 p.m.; Zumba /Zumba Toning, 7 p.m.

Friday: Cards, 12:30 p.m. (duplicate bridge, pinochle, cribbage); ping pong, 3 p.m.; Younkers Community Days


Weekly Card Results

Monday Bridge

Feb. 9, two tables playing

1st Arnie Lang, 2nd Bud Higgins, 3rd Dave Solomonson, 4th Jaynard Johnson, 5th Carolyne Higgins

Tuesday Duplicate Bridge

Feb.10, four tables playing

1st Bud Higgins, 1st Arnie Lang

2nd Larry Crowe, 2nd Joyce Crowe, 3rd Dave Solomonson

3rd Ray Schmidt, 4th Dave Ring

4th Jim Fisher, 5th Jaynard Johnson, 5th Connie Johnson

Tuesday 500

Feb. 10, two tables playing

1st John Karnes, 2nd Jerry Downing, 3rd Joyce Bakke, 4th Wayne Chilson


Dave Solomonson

Friday Bridge

Feb. 12, three tables playing

1st Jim Fisher, 2nd Dave Solomonson, 3rd Carolyne Higgins, 4th Ella Rouhoff, 5th Lois Johnson

Wednesday Cribbage

Feb. 11, two tables playing

1st Mercedes Nordstrom, 2nd Barb Dickman, 3rd Bernice Scholer

Friday 500

No Results

Friday Cribbage

No Results