Remind kids to have fun with athletics
Published 8:39 am Wednesday, November 11, 2015
QUESTION: What are the most encouraging things to say to my adolescent athlete?
ANSWER: My daughter-in-law, the mother of several young athletes, just shared these great words from Anne Josephson, the President and CEO of the Josephson Academy of Gymnastics. They are encouraging words for any adolescent.
Greet your child when he or she gets in the car with “Hi” before you ask about practice, the score of the game or homework.
Remind your kids to have fun.
Before forming an opinion or giving advice, ask for more information from your child: say “Tell me more.”
Refrain from analyzing your child’s performance: “Good job. Keep Working” are the words kids need to hear from parents.
“What’s new in your world?” are words that open up the opportunity to hear what’s important to your child.
“I love to watch you play” are the best six words ever.
You already know what your opinion is, so ask your child “So, what do you think about that?”
“Is there something I can do to help?” needs to be said before we offer an adult action plan or solution.
Remind your child: “You are more important to me than your achievements.”
Give your child the gift of unconditional love: “No matter what, I’m glad that I am your parent.”
If you would like to talk about the challenges in raising children, call the toll-free Parent WarmLine at 1-888-584-2204/Linea de Apoyo at 1-877-434-9528. For free emergency child care call Crisis Nursery at 1-877-434-9599. Check out and free resources at the PRC Specialty Library (105 First Street SE, Austin).