Residents come together to share ideas for helping others

Published 10:38 am Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Vision 2020’s Community Pride and Spirit Committee found it can do many things to help others without spending much money.

That was one of the things discussed at the a brainstorming meeting Monday night at the ArtWorks Center.



“We had some really nice discussions about what’s currently going on in the community,” committee Co-Chair Kristen Olson said.

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About 23 residents and business people attended the meeting, which was a way to brainstorm creative new ideas and making connections that will help the committee fulfill its vision.

Those attending talked about some of the greatest needs in the community and what people could do to support them. They discussed things like Adopt a Family programs, along with ways they could help others in need, including veterans, foster children and more. They also discussed curb access on sidewalks for people with disabilities.

They also discussed community potlucks to bring people of different nationalities together in the community.

To Olson, one of the big take aways was that positive community efforts don’t take a lot of time or money, and she said they talked about doing one thing each day to make a positive impact.

“Sometimes they don’t take much time at all,” Olson said.

She said the committee is already doing many things through its Just Do Good campaign.

Another key topic for the night was how the committee could partner with other organizations in the community.

“Part of our mission is to collaborate with other groups,” Olson said.

The brainstorming event — which has been dubbed an “Ideation” — was designed to engage community members who want to bring creative new ideas and partnerships to the Community Pride & Spirit Committee of Vision 2020.

The vision of the Community Pride & Spirit Committee is to create a positive community spirit by fostering service, support, and mentorship programs geared toward improving the quality of life and opportunities for all citizens and to support physical beautification through neighborhood organizations working in collaboration with existing programs.