It’s important to ask the right questions

Published 5:33 pm Saturday, December 12, 2015

QUESTION: What do I need to do to keep my kids open and honest with me?

ANSWER: Hopefully we talk with our kids a lot. Parents teach first and we have a lot to tell our kids. Great parents also ask good questions. Are you asking your kids these kinds of questions?

Why am I upset if you lie? (In this family we tell the truth. We trust each other.)

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What meal would you like to learn to prepare? (Scrambled eggs, sausages and toast)

What’s the family rule about seat belts? (We don’t start the car until everyone is buckled up.)

Why is not drinking alcohol if you’re going to drive important? (It’s not safe. Alcohol slows down your thinking and reaction time.)

What was the nicest thing that happened to you today? (Kyle helped me understand how to do my math assignment.)

What was the kindest thing you did this week? (I invited the new girl in class to sit with us at lunch.)

What would make getting up in the morning easier? (Listening to music for 15 minutes before I need to get out of bed.)

What makes you feel safe? (Knowing I can call you and you’ll come get me if I ask you to.)

Did you parents ask you good questions? Answering good questions strengthens communication, builds confidence and creates good thinkers.

If you would like to talk about the challenges in raising children, call the toll-free Parent WarmLine at 1-888-584-2204/Linea de Apoyo at 1-877-434-9528. For free emergency child care call Crisis Nursery at 1-877-434-9599. Check out and free resources at the PRC Specialty Library (105 First Street SE, Austin)