Get socially connected with Facebook class

Published 8:01 am Sunday, March 20, 2016

On Monday come in from 6 to 7:30 p.m. and set-up a Facebook account or learn about more options using your Facebook account.

We are very lucky to have Christa willing to do our Facebook class. We have had very good turnouts for this class. Keep them coming.

Impress your kids and grandchildren by setting it up and connecting with them. Keep up to date with their pictures and news. You can either bring in your portable device or use a computer here.

Email newsletter signup

If you would like to attend this class please sign up as class size is kept to a minimum. To sign up please stop by the Front Desk or call at 507-433-2370.

 Life Long Learning

Our next Life Long Learning class will be at 2:30 p.m. on Thursday. This class focuses on deep thinking.

We all think, but not all of us think deeply, which is thinking beyond what your mind defaults to. Deep thinking is how we increase our number of valuable and useful thoughts. Your quantity of valuable thoughts has a direct effect on your quantity of valuable actions.

And great lives are made by taking valuable action. During each session you will explore areas of deep thinking and discuss the topics. Attending you will dig deep into: the news, life, your strengths, the world, TED talks and success.

If this sounds like you or you have always enjoyed a good discussion please join us. There will be a free will donation for the series. Please sign up by stopping by the senior center front desk or by calling.

We look forward to seeing you at our many programs at the senior center. On Wednesday we are doing our loaded baked potato bar with chili for $5.

 Upcoming events

Monday: Bone Builders, 9 a.m.; Blood pressure checks, 9 a.m.; Coloring Class, 10 a.m.; Cards (Pinochle, Duplicate Bridge), 12:30 p.m.; Exercise with Evie’s Friends, 1 p.m.;

Facebook Class, 6 p.m.; Zumba, 6:15 p.m

Tuesday: Silver Sneakers, 8:15 a.m.; Exercise with Evies Friends, 9 a.m.;

Bruschetta chicken bake, 11:30 a.m.; Cards (Pinochle, Duplicate Bridge, 500) 12:30 p.m.

Wednesday: Tai chi, 9 a.m., Wood Carvers, 9 a.m.; potato bar, noon; Weight Watchers, 12:15 p.m.; Cards (Duplicate Bridge, Pinochle, Cribbage), 12:30 p.m.; Stitching Bees, 1 p.m.; Open chess, 1 p.m.; Weight Watchers, 5:30 p.m.

Thursday: Silver Sneakers, 8:15 a.m.; Exercise with Evie’s Friends, 9 a.m.; Cards (Pinochle), 12:30 p.m.; Bingo, 1 p.m.; Open chess, 1 p.m.; Life Long Learners, 2:30 p.m.;

Zumba 6:15 p.m.

Friday: Closed for Good Friday

 Weekly Card Results

Monday Bridge

March 7, one table

1st Jaynard Johnson, 2nd Lois Johnson, 3rd Mary Johnsen

Tuesday Duplicate Bridge

March 8, five tables

1st Bud Higgins, 1st Vandy Newman; 2nd Rick Stroup, 2nd Edna Knobe; 3rd Joyce Crowe, 3rd Millie Seiver; 4th Orrin Rosen, 4th Barb Ingrebritsen; 5th Gail Schmidt, 5th Ray Schmidt

Tuesday 500

March 8, three tables

1st Hilton Henschen, 2nd Dennis Bray, 3rd Jaynard Johnson

Friday Bridge

March 11, one table

1st Anne Dvorak, 2nd John Karnes, 3rd Mary Johnsen,

4th Lois Johnson

Wednesday Duplicate Bridge

March 9, four tables

1st Warren Behrens, 1st Eunice Michaelis, 2nd Barb Eugebretson, 2nd Carolyne Higgins, 3rd Rick Stroup, 3rd Gene Domino, 4th Loren Cleland, 4th Bud Higgins


Hilton Henschen

Wednesday Cribbage

March 9, two tables

1st Hilton Henschen, 2nd Russ Vaale, 3rd Mercedes Nordstrom