New programming coming to HHH

Published 5:22 pm Saturday, May 7, 2016

In an effort to make the Hormel Historic Home more accessible to the youngest generations, I am working with a team of enthusiastic young mothers who are full of fantastic ideas designed to share the Hormel Historic Home’s history with the youngest visitors.

We are calling the new programming History for Half Pints in reference to our Midwestern agricultural roots and the slang use of the term “half pints” which refers to someone of a smaller stature.

Teddy Bear ToursWe launched the program with the Spam Kids Fest in March. With more than 400 people in attendance, our thought was confirmed that those with young kids are eager for activities that will entertain as well as educate. During the Spam Fest we offered kid-centric tours of the Hormel Historic Home. These Teddy Bear Tours introduced the home to youngsters (Half Pints) through the eyes of a child in 1905. Tour guides impersonated “the help” as they guided families on a journey that included searching for Teddy Bears since the toy was made popular when Teddy Roosevelt refused to shoot a bear in 1902.

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Children learned about the importance of music in the Hormel family and were shown how a Victrola music player operates. They saw where Jay Hormel slept and played as he spent much of his childhood and quite a bit of his young adult years here when he wasn’t at boarding school or serving in World War I. They had a chance to view the neighborhood from the Sleeping Porch windows. Though added when Jay was a little older, the kids could imagine how he might have played and slept in the space.

With the help of a grant from the Austin Area Foundation, our team is working on creating areas in the Home specifically for kids to learn about life for a child in the early 1900s. Our plan includes describing the role of music in family life, the various tasks often done by servants, such as sewing and cleaning, and books and games popular in the Progressive Era. Once the attractions are complete, families of all ages will have the opportunity to learn about the Hormels and understand more about life in a different time.

Because of the popularity and success of the Teddy Bear Tours launched in March, we will offer these interactive events once a month through the summer. The dates are May 18, June 15, July 20 and Aug. 17. Reservations are required so please visit for times and pricing.  Or call 507-433-4243 for more information.

A part of our mission is to offer educatioal programming to all ages, and with History for Half Pints we can now reach those as young as 2.

History Happy Hour:

Civilian Conservation Corps

5:30 p.m. social, 6 p.m. presentation Tuesday, May 10

A musical and storytelling event presented by Michigan-based author, Bill Jamerson. Free for members of the HHH, Mower County Historical Society, and Friends of the Library. $5 for non-members

 Teddy Bear Tour

9:30 a.m., Wednesday, May 18

Tours specially designed for youth ages 2-10. Cost is $4 per family (up to 3) for HHH members and $6 for non-member families (up to 3).