Voters put down LeRoy-Ostrander referendum overwhelmingly; Money would have provided upgrades, daycare

Published 9:28 am Wednesday, November 9, 2016

A $15.9 million referendum that would have provided upgrades and a daycare center fell hard in the LeRoy-Ostrander School District, with 177 voting yes and 1,039 voting no.

Had the measured passed, the district would have improved its heating and cooling systems, initiated safety and security upgrades and created a district-funded daycare.

“I am more disappointed that we were unable to unify the community behind the needs of our facility,” wrote Superintendent of Schools Jeff Sampson on the district’s web page. “In speaking with many of you, I heard agreement that our school building has needs, but questions (remain) about the best way to address them. While there is disagreement on how to manage our facilities, we believe there is common ground in supporting the needs of our children. The LeRoy-Ostrander school district will build on that common ground to ensure that we all move forward together.”

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