Society news

Published 9:23 am Saturday, September 9, 2017

Brownsdale Study Club

The Brownsdale Study Club met on Aug. 16, at the home of LaVonne Skove. President Joyce Juhnke called the meeting to order and the members read the collect.

The secretary-treasurer reports were read and approved.Ten members answered roll call with a favorite winter vacation. For old business, Mary Gallaher was sent a get well card after falling and breaking a bone in her foot on July 31.

Email newsletter signup

New business was a discussion on where to go for the fall trip. On Monday, Sept. 11, we will go to the Austin Christian Women’s Club, held at the Mower County Senior Center in Austin from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m.

Voting for Hayfield Schools 2017 bond referendum will be held on Monday, Sept. 11, at the Hayfield Community School. A motion was made by Leone Peters that our monthly topics be shorted for the newspapers. Motion was seconded by Joyce and carried. Election of new officers for 2017-18 are:

President — Shelley Vogel

Vice-president — Jane Hartson

Secretary-treasurer — Fern Paschke.

No new members were brought forth.

Motion was made by Hazel Schlicting to adjourn and was seconded by Leone and carried.

Leone had the main topic on sasquatch or Bigfoot in Minnesota. Many reports of sighting and footprints have been reported since the 1800s. Sightings big loggers were seen in the logging areas in remote northern Minnesota. William P. Remer found tracks in the 1900s. Mr. Remer, founder of Remer, Minnesota, gave credibility to the reporter.

“Have you seen Bigfoot today?” Could be heard around town. A family member coming through the swampy area near Bena, Minnesota about 15 years ago, told his parents of a sighting. The large creature, walking upright, had crossed the road in front of his car that night. The Bena Cafe has a large footprint displayed on their wall.

Is there really such a creature in Minnesota? You have to decide for yourself.

The outside reading by Shelley Vogel was on the Ford Theatre and the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln on April 14, 1865. An earlier plot by the group had failed. Each person had a certain job to kidnap and kill. Involvted were Lewis Powell, David Herald, George Atzerodt and John Wilkes Booth. Only Booth was successful, but Booth broke his leg and then road to Dr. Samuel Mudd and had his leg set. While hiding with Herald in a tobacco barn, Union troops surrounded them. Herald surrendered, Booth was shot. The bar was set on fire and Booth died three hours later.

The conspirators Atzerodt, Powell, Herald and Mary Surratt, were hung on July 7, 1865. Arnold and O’Laughlin were given life sentences as well as Dr. Mudd. A young stage hand at Ford’s Theatre got six years of hard labor.

The theatre where Lincoln was shot and the house where he died are preserved today at Ford’s Theatre National Historic Site in Washington D.C..

LaVonne served apple and chocolate pie.

Duplicate Bridge

Tuesday, Aug. 29, seven tables played at the Mower County Senior Center. First, Edna Knobbe and Chuck Borneman; Second, Gene Mucho and Ron Peters; Third, Barb Engebretson and Orrin Roisen; Fourth, Gail and Ray Schmidt; Fifth, Rick Stroup and John Liesen; Sixth, Larry Crowe and Bill Momsen.

Wednesday, Aug. 30, seven tables played at the Mower County Senior Center. First, Barb Engebretson and Gene Muchow; Second, Dave Ring and Orrin Roisen; Third, Larry Crowe and Jim Fisher; Fourth, Vandy Newman and Ron Peters; Fifth, John Liesen and Rick Stroup; Sixth place, Romelle Enderson and Bonnie Fritz

Players were from Austin, Albert Lea, Adams and Rose Creek. All bridge players are encouraged to join us at 12:30 p.m. on Tuesdays and noon on Wednesdays.