Letter: Gerard Academy’s coats of many colors

Published 8:08 am Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Youth residents in Gerard Academy’s program are experiencing lots of warm thoughts due to the wonderful coats they received through the United Way coat drive.  Many of the children at Gerard are wards of the state and arrive with very little clothing and very few coats.

Angie Vigen, Clinical Supervisor shared these comments regarding the coats. “Let me tell you, those were some pretty awesome coats!!!  Most of them still had tags on, some were Columbia or North Face and we are all envious of “Jimmy’s” every time he wears it because it is so cool and we want it!  Thank you so much for getting them for the kids.  They were soooooo excited to get them!”

Mower County is a wonderful place to call home and the United Way of Mower County works year round to make it better for everyone.  Thank you to everyone supporting the United Way’s work.

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Gerard Academy is very grateful to the United Way of Mower County and Kathy Huffman the UW volunteer coordinating the coat drive.  Now as the weather is turning cold the youth at Gerard are ready for winter.

Elaine Hansen

Senior Development Coordinator

Gerard Academy