Society News: Duplicate Bridge
Published 7:07 am Saturday, September 8, 2018
Duplicate Bridge is played every Tuesday at 12:30 p.m and Wednesday at noon at the Mower County Senior Center in Austin. This weeks winners were:
Tuesday, six tables played
First place, Larry Crowe and Jim Fisher; second place, Barb Engebretson and Orrin Roisen; third place, Vandy Newman and Bud Higgins; fourth place, Theresa Baldus and Harriet Oldenberg; fifth place, Lorraine Lippert and Ron Peters
Wednesday, six tables played
First place, Barb Engebretson and Eunice Michaelis; second place, Dave Ring and Orrin Roisen; third place, Edna Knobbe and Cleo Osmundson; fourth place, Lorraine Quinlivan and Julie Prochnow; fifth place, Tom Flaherty and Stan Schultz.
Players come from Adams, Rose Creek, Austin, Albert Lea and Mason City, Iowa. Always looking to welcome others to this competive game bridge, call Joyce at 1-507-437 2750 if you would like to play, and need a partner.