Society News
Published 6:25 am Saturday, October 27, 2018
Cotillion Dance Club
The Cotillion Dance Club gathered for its first dance of the season at the Austin Country Club on Oct. 2. We were happy to see our Cotillion friends and especially enjoyed meeting new members and guests. Dancing to the Barry Rush Combo was fun, as always.
The Cotillion Club will celebrate 100 years within a few months. We are anticipating that milestone for our club with eagerness.
The committee who heads up the Cotillion Club this year planned the evening and are pictured. Seated are John and Marge Murach. From left: Bob and Joyce Goetz, Bill Buckley and Kathy Kester and Alice Anderson. Not pictured is Ron Anderson
We were happy to welcome new members: Chuck and Leslie Meyer, Ted and Shirley Hinrichs, Jim and Merlene Stiles, Bud Turner and Bobbie Mistretta. Ron and Shelley Vogel were welcomed as guests for the evening.
The next dance is Tuesday evening, Nov. 6. Please contact Alice Anderson at 1-507-437-4704 if you are interested in a fun evening of dinner and dancing.
Duplicate Bridge
Eleven teams played Oct 16.
First place, Joyce Crowe and Ray Schmidt; second place, Larry Crowe and Bill Momsen; third place, John Leisen and Rick Stroup; fourth place, Lorraine Lippert and Ron Peters; fifth place, Barb Engebretson and Orrin Roisen.
Nine teams played Oct. 17.
First place, Dave Ring and Orrin Roisen; second place, Loren Cleland and Bud Higgins; third place, Gail and Ray Schmidt; fourth place, Carolyne Higgins and Connie Johnson; fifth place, Vandy Newman and Ron Peters.
Players come from Adams, Austin, Albert Lea and Rose Creek. Both sessions are played weekly at the Mower County Senior Center in Austin. Call 1-507-437-2750 if you would like to play and need a partner.
Brownsdale Study Club
The Brownsdale Study Club met Oct. 17, at the home of Mary Moritz. President Jane Hartson opened the meeting and led the reading of the Collect. 10 members answered roll call by describing a cherished heirloom. Secretary and treasurer reports were approved as read.
New Business: A motion was made by Leone Peters and seconded by Mary M. to donate $50 to the Red Cross. Motion passed. A motion was made by Leone and seconded by Sharon to move our next meeting date to the second week of Nov. Motion passed. A motion to adjourn was made by LaVonne Skov and seconded by Fern Paschke.
Hazel Schlichting gave the outside reading on seasonal hints from the Farmers’ Almanac. Autumn is the time to store up vitamin D for the upcoming winter by spending 20 minutes in the sun twice a day. To relieve a winter cough, cut a lemon into pieces, microwave 10 seconds, salt and pepper. Suck on a piece until cough goes away. Place your garden tools in a bucket of dry sand to prevent rust. Stop the summer sun from disrupting your sleep during hotel stays by clipping the blinds closed with a sideways pants hanger.
Fern presented the main topic on Minnesota State Veterans Cemeteries in Little Falls and Preston. The 169-acre site in Preston conducted its first services on Veterans Day, 2015. Casket and in-ground cremation gravesites are available, as well as a columbarium option for cremains. All burial options are provided to eligible veterans at no cost. Spouses and eligible dependents may be buried for a fee. Each cemetery can conduct seven services per day, Monday-Friday.
Rena Perrigo will host our next meeting Nov. 14.
Mary served a luscious pumpkin dessert.