Society News

Published 6:27 am Saturday, December 1, 2018

The Brownsdale Study Club

The Brownsdale Study Club met on Nov. 14 at the home of Rena Perrigo.

The meeting was opened with the reading of the Collect. All 12 members answered roll call by describing how they relax and relieve stress. Secretary and treasurer reports were approved as read.

There was a short discussion on possible recipients of a Christmastime donation. We will discuss it again in December.

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A motion was made by Mary Moritz and seconded by Sharon to adjourn the meeting.

Ida presented the main topic on the history of Knauer’s Meat Market. The original sausage and meat market was opened in 1886 by Austrian immigrant Tony Knauer. The market has remained in the same building on 1st Avenue in Austin throughout its history. It has been in the Knauer family for four generations.

Fern gave the outside reading on the subject of clearing plastics from the ocean. The oceans are filled with unwanted plastics, from tiny particles to the 1.6 million square kilometer garbage patch floating in the Pacific. Dutch inventor Boyan Slat and a team of engineers have created a 2,000-foot-long U-shaped tube that floats through the water, entrapping plastics and other debris for a more controlled disposal. They believe this device can shrink the Great Pacific Garbage Patch by half within five years of deployment.

Hazel will host our next meeting Dec. 19.

Duplicate Bridge

Nine teams played duplicate bridge on Nov. 20. Winners were: First place, Judy Bungum and Dave Solomonson; second place, Lorraine Lippert and Ron Peters; third place, John Leisen and Rick Stroup; fourth place, Connie Johnson and Jaynard Johnson; fifth place, Gail and Ray Schmidt

Nine teams again played on Nov. 21. Winners were: First place, Tom Flaherty and Stan Schultz; second place, Vandy Newman and Ron Peters; third place, Dave Ring and Orrin Roisen; fourth place, Gail and Ray Schmidt; fifth place, John Leisen and Rick Stroup.

Both sessions are played at the Mower County Senior Center in Austin. Times are based so that players who come from Northwood and Mason City Iowa, and Albert Lea, Adams and Rose Creek can get started for home before it gets dark, especially in the winter months. We are always hoping more players will join this group, any needing a partner may call Joyce at 437-2750.

A Christmas lunch is planned for 11 a.m. on Dec. 12, bring a snack and join us before play starts at noon. Pizza, paper products and drink will be provided by the group. Our meeting place has been moved from the craft room to the main dining room.